星期日, 5月 12, 2013


(from excerpt on Exquisite Pain, M'as -tu vue, Sophie Calle)

星期三, 5月 08, 2013

Exquisite Pain (though not so much really)

There were times my heart was pounding so much that I long for an ear, an ear that can plug on where my heart is and hear what is going on in there, an ear whose owner is able to grasp and decipher its medical and emotional message.

Then I realised it is basically impossible. You can either grab someone with whom you won't feel embarrassed with no clothes on and bade him listen, but then he either cannot hear a thing or coolly tell you to see the doctor; or there might be someone who you think can do the job but due to social or moral barriers he won't do it and you won't think about it.

Then I realised it is because there aren't really so much love in the world as I have imagined. That is why the stethoscope was invented.

Image from Wikimedia Commons.

星期六, 5月 04, 2013


打算明天播少許《東京物語》, 把碟翻出來並順手看那裡面的神秘廣東話commentary. 把全部看了就不頭痛了。然後把午後衝動買回來的菜拿去浸洗, 一邊打了好多個噴嚏. 把長長的菜葉切開的同時想像自己是戰時嫁到很不理想的地方去的並在狹窄的廚房散發著"人性光輝"的黑白人物。突然我聽到自己喉頭發出地獄慘叫--


相比上個星期在學校門外龜姿扑街還要是本貓生日來說也許不算太糟. 但擔心它要是還沒完的話下一步會是斷腳? 甚至是新蓋的教學樓為我而崩坍.