今年電影節選票甚為亂來,除少數必看的外,導演都不熟悉,於是單憑簡介、主題甚或劇照,在一晚之內搞定了。於是到要看戲的時候,即使票上打了中英文片名,入場前仍有「神秘電影」的刺激感(我故意不去翻小冊子查閱- 有沒有人記得市政年代的電影節真個有「神秘電影」?)
咆哮山莊(Wuthering Heights, dir: Andrea Arnold)
Heathcliff變成黑人已事先張揚,於是另一意想不到的演譯是Wuthering Heights由想像中的大宅變成又矮又髒的石屋,豬和人踏在爛泥污水上,和理想中的英式田園相拒甚遠。我沒看過其他電影改編, 但叫得Heights無論怎頹唐陰森—書裡提及它房間有大床沒有了床帳—總會是間大屋吧。但放在那個風聲呼呼的禿山頭上一切來得十分自然。
另外,它破了此類文學大片的格,沒有管弦鋼琴,取而代之是風聲和各種自然聲音,和演員唸唱的民謠。敘事也摒棄了傳統劇情片的「流暢」,對白減到最少,而用上大量描寫各種動植物、感官的定鏡 – 她馬背上的頭髮頸背、她舔他背上的傷口--以呈現Heathcliff和 Catherine 兩人在草原的野人時光。
其中一個我喜歡的創作改動是羽毛的motif。小Catherine坐在地上,跟剛到埗的Heathcliff介紹她在山坡上收集的各種羽毛及鳥骨,自此鳥羽一直跟著他們的感情起落。原著好像沒有這一幕,也沒有他們到底一起怎麼玩的細節。原來羽毛的段子來自這裡:此時Catherine已嫁作Mrs Linton, 重遇Heathcliff因而刺激病危。她把枕頭撕破,把羽毛扯出來,按品種把它們排列羽毛,對保母Nelly說著夢囈:「 ‘That’s a turkey’s,’ she murmured to herself; ‘and this is a wild duck’s; and this is a pigieon’s. Ah, they put pigeon’s feathers in the pillows—no wonder I couldn’t lie! Let me take care to throw it on the floor when I lie down. And here is a moor-cock’s; and this- I should know it among a thousand – it’s a lapwing’s. Bonny bird; wheeling over our heads in the middle of the moor. It wanted to get to its nest, for the clouds had touched the swells, and it felt rain coming. This feather was picked up from the heath, the bird was not shot: we saw its nest in the winter, full of little skeletons. Heathcliff set a trap over it, and the old ones dare not come. I made him promise he’d never shoot a lapwing after that, and he didn’t. Yes, here are more! Did he shoot my lapwing, Nelly?...”」導演把這段回憶再造擴展重置。電影到了這個地方我們透過站在窗外呆等的Heathcliff之眼看見亮燈的小窗內羽毛飛揚。