你在1969年失戀,帶同牙膏、手袋、刀叉和'最後的華爾滋'的黑膠唱片到山洞去,1971年死去,1981年一個小伙子發現你留下的痕跡。然後2009年他們終於發現這堆遺骸是你。他們說你是Miss Havishm雖然你不姓Havisham。Havisham...就是狄更斯小說Great Expectations那個穿好婚紗在祭壇前給抛棄的女人,然後往後數十年她一路穿著發黃的婚紗,全身披滿蜘蛛網。不知從哪裡來的印像我總覺得她還抱著兩隻雞。
Australia's Miss Havisham died heartbroken in a caveThe remains of an Australian woman that were found in a remote cave almost 40 years ago have finally been identified as those of Audrey Mountford, a Miss Havisham figure who fled to the wilderness after being jilted by the man she wanted to marry.
By Bonnie Malkin in Sydney
Published: 1:12AM BST 08 Jul 2009
In 1969, Ms Mountford, an artist, moved from her home in Sydney to a cave in the Blue Mountains after her heart was broken by her Canadian lover. In 1981 her bones were found among household items including toothpaste, handbags, a knife and fork and a vinyl record of The Last Waltz, by a teenage bush walker. It is believed she died in April 1971 from exposure.
But the identity of the remains were unknown until last week, when a coronial inquiry established that they belonged to Ms Mountford, who was 49.
Ms Mountford's story has gone untold for so long because, believing she might have gone overseas to recover from the shock, her family had not contacted police to report her missing, the Sydney Morning Herald reported.
A NSW coroner has not been able to determine the cause or manner of her death, although police insist it was not by foul play or suicide.
She still wore her mother's wedding ring, and among her belongings was a half-written weather-stained letter that police attempted to transcribe.
"As work has been difficult to obtain since coming home in October 1968, I decided to revert to my old talent of art and modelling, thus I packed my haversack and came bush," the letter reads.
"So far have had a lovely time except for being delayed by an undue (possibly wog) [words in brackets added by police] which sapped my strength.
"Have some lovely ideas re oils and pastels for the near future."
Her nephew, John Mountford, now aged 65, said his aunt had converted to Catholicism for a man she had met in Canada and was about to marry but, like the character in Charles Dickens's Great Expectations, the wedding did not take place.
"The man she did this for ended up leaving her. I don't think she ever recovered from that," he told police.
"She was the type to think with her heart, not her brain."
Mr Mountford said his aunt had loved the outdoors, had an adventurous personality and had travelled to New Zealand, Canada and Africa. She was "flighty" and would "breeze in and out" of their lives, so her choice to move to the cave was not surprising.
"I know that being left by a man would have affected her very badly. She was a dreamer and a bit unrealistic, so for her to go and live in a cave is something I would believe suited her personality."
Ms Mountford's younger sister Nola Stewart, now 84, was the last family member to have seen her alive.
Mrs Stewart told the paper it had been a shock when the family was told of her sister's fate, because they had searched for her for years.
The case, which had been abandonned in 1983, was reopened this year when the Missing Persons Unit conducted a review and was able to find family members.
The news of her sister's lonely death upset Mrs Stewart.
"Actually it saddens me more to find out what happened to her because I thought that she was living somewhere and not bothering to get back in touch with me."
Mrs Stewart said she thought the Canadian man might have been a soldier her sister had met during World War II.
"I know that she did have an American lad [but] what one hurt her I don't know."