星期一, 9月 29, 2008



讀到文中引述的資料,香港政府的所謂政策,即1999年的所謂文化/市政研究報告建議: 「擴大現有外判計劃的範圍,引入更多的私人參與」,其喉舌揚言要把文化藝術服務交予私人公司/公司化「按商業原則經營」,其後N份政府及其委任的報告書亦持相同觀點,如2003年文化委員會的「民間主導」其實屬意商界等利益集團;2007年的「博物館委員會建議報告」雖謂全面自負盈虧是不可能,亦提出要進一步推廣贊助。當然最激的是初版的西九,以地產商來營辦博物館。

而同時我為了多少沾點英文的「洋氣」,在瞎翻早年大減價買的藝術期刊(它們的樣子也悶得發荒),隨手拈來:「This kind of short-term thinking (指向辦得成功的公營藝術館的撥款開刀,把它們推向自負盈虧) is driving public sector galleries and museums either in the ground or into the arms of the private sector, a development that poses the greatest possible threat to their autonomy… a public sector utterly dependent upon the private sector and a slew of sponsor-pleasing exhibitions that will not only silence the dissident voices in art but drown out the quieter voices too」(Editorial, Art Monthly, UK) [大意:把博物館推向自負盈虧只會把它們殺死或私有化,往往威脅其自主性,令公營博物館傾向討好贊助商,令藝術界變成一言堂。]

另一篇:「Neither the politicians nor the press, nor a generally uniformed public, thought much about the consequences of [cutting cultural funding and offset this by coporate sponsorship,] this de facto privatisation of institutions whose budget nevertheless continues to be underwritten by taxpayers.」(“Mixed Messages”, Hans Haacke interviewed by Patricia Bickers, Art Monthly, UK) [政界、社會大眾等都沒有仔細考慮以商業贊助取替公共撥款實為以公貼私,但同時納稅人得繼續付錢。]

