星期一, 3月 16, 2009

哎唷哎唷哎唷, 哎唷

I knock at the stone's front door.
"It's only me, let me come in.
I want to enter your insides,
have a look around,
breathe my fill of you."

"Go away," said the stone.
I'm shut tight.
Even if you break me to pieces,
we'll all still be closed.
You can grind us to sand,
we still won't let you in."

--Wislawa Szymborska "Conversation with a Stone"

死貓意圖對音樂說話。雖然它是從來不會回答我的,我在它門外踟躕著不知怎麼辦.好像站在別人門口等人一樣老怕被管理員趕走. 我甚至有點錯亂地認為那排黑白的十二顆牙齒與我是天生排斥的, 或者我的手指天生生錯了地方(例如右手二指其實是左手四指,或者他們其實全都是腳趾). 每次我的手執意地往錯的地方去的時候也只好怪叫一聲,然後再把大石推上去.


